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Thank you for visiting MojoPin.org. The site is intended to be an enduring tribute to Jeff Buckley. I also wanted to create a portal for others all over the world to discover Jeff's music and read his story. I hope everyone that drops by discovers something new or of interest. Be sure to visit the Guestbook and read what other fans have said or post your own thoughts. First and foremost, I would like to thank Tanya for introducing me to Jeff's music on that bleak winter night in October. I can still vividly remember you asking me, "Have you ever heard of Jeff Buckley?" in your candlelit apartment that evening. I will never forget the times we spent together listening to Jeff over a glass of wine and talking into the night, our many courtyard walks and planetarium visits, or the romantic evenings we spent in Amsterdam and New York City as we were falling in love. MojoPin.org has always been a love letter from me to you, and I always think of you when I hear Jeff's music. I'd also like to thank Shane Doyle for his tiny coffeehouse Sin-é that allowed Jeff hone his craft in his own special way. It was well worth the many nights you were up till 4 am waiting on that last cup of coffee to sell. Regards go out to New York City, Arlene's Grocery, Mary Guibert, Tim Buckley, Mick Grondahl, Matt Johnson, Michael Tighe, Merri Cyr, David Browne, Janine Nichols, and TreeMan. I would also like to thank all of those around the world that have visited or contributed in whatever form to the site. It is through this effort that Jeff's music and spirit will continue to flourish.