is designed, created, and updated by fans of Jeff Buckley, and is in no way affiliated with Columbia Records or the Jeff Buckley Estate. The information contained on this website is provided as a hobby to other fans and visitors, and, as such, or any of its contributors cannot be held liable for its accuracy. Much of the content on has been gathered from various sources on the Internet, and all known sources have been cited in each article when possible.

Copyrights and trademarks for all Jeff Buckley related materials are held by their respective owners, and the site employs the educational use of this material under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. is meant to spread the wonder of Jeff's music to everyone, and it is preferred that we do so without infringing on anyone else's property! If you have questions concerning data on that is in violation of copyright laws please contact me. Content in violation of copyright will be removed immediately.

© 2004-2024 - This site is designed, maintained, and updated by fans of Jeff Buckley, and is in no way affiliated with Columbia Records or the Jeff Buckley Estate. Please see our Credits for more information.